Party building

Party building


Party mass management

The Party General Branch of Tianzhu Group continuously deepens the construction of the Party building brand, sub brand, and micro brand matrix of "Hongdong Tianzhu, Enterprise Action Zhiyuan", and implements the Party building and group work mode and method with Tianzhu characteristics. Promote the integration of party building work with corporate governance, ideological guidance, production and operation, organizational strengthening, team building, and cultural development, play the role of grassroots party organizations as battle fortresses, achieve the transformation of party building advantages into group development advantages, and help the group's high-quality development to a new level.

1、 Implementing the "1234" Party Building Work Tianzhu Model

We have created a "1234" party building work model with one integration, two cultivation, three leadership, and four services. One integration: integrating production and operation; Two types of cultivation: cultivating backbone members into party members and cultivating party members into backbone members; Three leading: leading the political ecology, guiding employee thinking, and leading social responsibility; Four services: serving the development of enterprises, serving corporate culture, serving party members of enterprises, and serving the masses of employees. Give full play to the political leadership role of party organizations, plan and deploy party building work in sync with the work of the enterprise strategic development center, build a strong belief fortress with party building guidance, and cultivate a fertile soil for enterprise development with party building.

2、 The "Four Integrations" Group Work Tianzhu Method

Focusing on the organic integration of the group's party building work and corporate culture construction, we will carry out the "four integrations" group work method, and effectively integrate the party building work with the development of the enterprise seamlessly and closely. The "four integrations" refer to the integration of party building work with the operation mechanism of trade unions and the Communist Youth League, the integration of propaganda positions, the integration of activity carriers, and the integration of excellence creation work. Through the implementation of four integrated group building methods, the party and the masses have a sense of belonging and a sense of ownership, fully demonstrating the resonance and mutual integration of party and mass work and production and operation management.
